Help us to our Mission
Support Builder Academy's mission to empower the next generation of tech innovators. Your contribution fuels our efforts to provide hands-on learning, foster innovation, and forge partnerships for a brighter future in information technology. Join us in shaping the digital landscape and unlocking the potential of aspiring builders.

Sponsor an Intern

Your donation sponsors an intern, providing them with essential hands-on experience and mentorship to thrive in the tech industry.

Sponsor a Project

Your donation sponsors a student project, enabling them to develop innovative solutions with expert guidance and advanced tools.

Sponsor a Bootcamp

Your donation sponsors a bootcamp, offering intensive training to aspiring IT professionals, preparing them to lead in technology.

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When you make a donation today, you directly invest in our mission of launching Nepal's next generation of tech innovators and creators.

Learn How Donation help us.

Donations to Builder Academy serve as the lifeblood of our mission, empowering us to nurture the next generation of tech pioneers and revolutionize the landscape of IT education. Your support enables us to provide unparalleled opportunities for aspiring builders, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to thrive in the digital age. With your contributions, we can maintain cutting-edge facilities, invest in state-of-the-art technology, and develop innovative programs that push the boundaries of traditional education. These resources create a dynamic learning environment where students can engage in hands-on projects, collaborate with industry experts, and explore emerging technologies firsthand.
Moreover, your donations enable us to expand our reach and impact, breaking down barriers to IT education and making it accessible to individuals from diverse backgrounds. Through strategic partnerships with organizations like the National Innovation Center (ICT Lab), we can bring IT education to underserved communities and create pathways for individuals to pursue fulfilling careers in technology. Your support also allows us to offer scholarships, financial aid, and mentorship programs, ensuring that talented individuals have the opportunity to pursue their passion for technology regardless of their financial circumstances. By investing in Builder Academy, you're not just supporting a school; you're investing in the future of technology and empowering a new generation of innovators to build a better world. Together, we can harness the power of technology to drive positive change and shape a future where anything is possible. Thank you for being a vital part of our mission.
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